Sunday, October 31, 2010

FERVOX se cambio de casa, por el momento...

Hola amigos, hace ya un tiempo blogger borro este blog, el cual ya he recuperado, por lo menos la administracion  pero todos los post se han perdido. Puede seguir disfrutando de la buena musica en el nuevo blog el cual te invito a visitar. Estamos en:

1 comment:

  1. Hey !

    I've followed your blog for quite a while, and seriously, keep it up. There are only a
    few places on the internet where I can find some really rare music, and yours is a reference.

    I dunno if you've heard of this website, playlistunes, but for the listening of cool stuff it's pretty fu**ing cool, I think you should have a look.

    Here are a few page I would recommend :

    Home, sort of a "best of": Rare Music

    Jazzy Beats

    Relaxing Playlist

    Rare Hip Hop

    Rare Reggae

    Rare Funk

    Energetic Music

